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Presenters & Topics

Dr. Earl Wright

Dr. Earl Wright


Topic: Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace

Dr. Colleen Gooden

Dr. Colleen Gooden

Consultant Psychiatrist, SERHA

Topic: Referral for Mental Health Treatment- Stigma/ Discriminatory

Mrs. Paulette Spencer Smith

Mrs. Paulette Spencer Smith

Executive Director, NCDA

Topic: Workplace Accommodation and Protection of people living
With mental illness.

Dr. Kevin Goulbourne

Dr. Kevin Goulbourne

Director, Mental Health and Substance Use Services, MOHW

Topic: Where are we with the Workplace Mental Health Policy?

 Ms Georgia Rose

Ms Georgia Rose

Clinical Psychologist,
Western Regional Health Authority

Topic: Psychology of Retirement: Leaving the workplace in Fine style?

Dr. Baldwin Miller

Dr. Baldwin Miller


Topic: Bipolar Disorder: Mixed States- Assessment and Management

Mrs. Uki Atkinson

Mrs. Uki Atkinson


New and Emerging Drugs- Current Challenges and the Way forward

Professor Wendel Abel

Professor Wendel Abel

Consultant Psychiatrist

Topic: Strategies for Addressing Burnout

Mrs. Kadian DaCosta -Graham

Mrs. Kadian DaCosta -Graham

Training Dynamics Consultants

Topic: Employee Assistance Programme- How relevant are these?

Dr. Roger Roberts

Dr. Roger Roberts

SMO, Bellevue Hospital

Topic: Managing Cognitive Decline Concerns in the Workplace

Dr Winston  De La Haye

Dr Winston De La Haye

Consultant Psychiatrist, University Hospital of the West Indies

Topic: Substance Use Disorder Screening and Workplace wellness.

Day 2 Presenters

Day 2 Presenters

Clinical Conference

Cutting Edge Mental Health
October 13, 2024


 Dr. Rachel Chung

Dr. Rachel Chung


Choosing the Right Antidepressant

Presenter - Pending

Presenter - Pending


To be poor is a crime: Addressing the social determinants of health in a resource strapped setting




Topic: Mental Health Challenge and Work: The Lived

Dr. Doreth Garvey

Dr. Doreth Garvey

Regional Psychiatrist, SRHA

Topic: To be or not to be assessed by the Medical Board

Panel Discussion

Panel Discussion

Presenters: Norbert Campbell
Jacqueline Duncan
Dr. Sharon East Miles
HR SERHA + more

Topic: Taking Disciplinary Actions against Colleagues with Mental illness. What’s the balance?




Topic: Strategies to Improving Occupational Wellness

Dr. Roger Roberts

Dr. Roger Roberts

SMO, Bellevue Hospital

Over 80 years and with Dementia: To treat or Not to Treat

Chair: Dr. Mindi Fitz-Henley

Chair: Dr. Mindi Fitz-Henley


Research projects

Ms Janet Silvera

Ms Janet Silvera


Avoiding the Nine Day Wonder: Media and Mental Health

 Day 2

Day 1

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